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One day a little while ago, a college student named Dan Hill decided he wanted to design a t-shirt. He based his idea on the idioim, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." He wanted to represent that statement in a design. Once he did that, he decided that the shirt meant something completely different than just a representation of the idiom.

Dan concluded that there are people in this world who have it very well off and there are those who don't. The saying bothered Dan, though. Why should anyone settle for anything less than the greenest grass in the history of mankind. If we jump over the fence and help others to "spray paint" their grass greener, then we are giving a piece of ourselves to the less fortunate people surrounding us.

When you buy a shirt from SprayPaintItGreen.org, 40% of your purchase is given to non-profit soup kitchens, shelters, and baby centers around the nation.

Let's all get together and paint it green!